Science Rendezvous is a yearly event that takes place at Western University with the intent to foster a new generation of young scientists. At our event, participants can engage in science-based activities and demonstrations with our team of scientists who encompass a diverse community of graduate research assistants, professors, undergraduate research assistants, and departmental staff from Western University.
Overall, our mission is to spread awareness of the power of S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) to the London community and instil a love of discovery in the young population. After all, curiosity invokes an idea, an idea brings about hypotheses, hypotheses bring about experimentation and experiments bring about change and major advancements to society at large! At Science Rendezvous, attendees participate first-hand in the scientific process and get to ask questions, explore different instrumentation, conduct chemistry experiments, interpret forensic data, look through powerful microscopes to the moon, find scientific souvenirs, win prizes, and so much more!
Meet the 2024 Team
Science Rendezvous at Western is being organized by a dedicated group of 52+ individuals who work, study or research across all faculties and departments at Western University!